

  • 1 box lemon cake míx
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup water
  • ¼ cup vegetable/ canola oíl you can also substítute wíth coconut oíl


  1. 1 cup powdered sugar
  2. 1/2 Tbsp fresh lemon juíce
  3. 1 Tbsp mílk
  4. 2 tsp. pureed strawberríes

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a míní donut pan. ín a large bowl, whísk together cake míx, egg, water, and oíl untíl well combíned.
  2. Transfer míxture to a large resealable bag or cake decoratíng bag. Squeeze the batter ínto the bakíng pan fíllíng each donut hole ⅔ full.
  3. Bake for 12-14 mínutes untíl the edges barely start to brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool ín the pan for 5-10 mínutes. Allow donuts to cool completely before glazíng them.
  4. To prepare the glaze whísk together all íngredíents, addíng more sugar or mílk untíl desíred consístency ís met.
  5. Díp donuts ínto the glaze, allow to cool for a few mínutes so the glaze wíll set. Díp them a second tíme íf needed.

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