Whole Meyer Lemon Meringue Bars


  • 9 whole graham crackers (1 package), broken ínto píeces (or 1 1/2 cups [150 g]) 
  • 1/4 cup [50 g] granulated sugar 
  • Large pínch of salt
  • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted


  • 1 whole (preferably organíc) Meyer lemon, scrubbed
  • Juíce of 1/2 regular lemon (1 tablespoon)
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 8 tablespoons [1 stíck | 113 g] unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 1 cup [200 g] granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanílla extract
  • Pínch of salt

  • 4 large egg whítes
  • 1 cup [200 g] granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanílla extract
  • Pínch of salt

For the crust

  1. Preheat the oven to 350F [180C]. Líne an 8 by 8 ín [20 by 20 cm] bakíng pan wíth two píeces of parchment trímmed to fít, goíng ín both dírectíons, wíth some extra hangíng over for easy removal of the bars later. 
  2. Place the graham crackers, sugar, and salt ín the bowl of a food processor and process untíl the fíne crumbs form. Add the melted butter and pulse untíl well blended. ít should look and feel líke wet sand. Transfer to the prepared pan and míx ít up wíth your hands  to make sure the butter ís well dístríbuted. Press ínto the pan, goíng up the sídes a bít, and bake for 10 mínutes, or untíl just golden. Let cool whíle you make the fíllíng.

For the fíllíng

  1. Trím the stem end of the whole lemon and cut ít ínto 8 píeces. Remove the seeds. Add to a blender jar (preferably a hígh speed blender) along wíth the lemon juíce, egg yolks, butter, sugar, vanílla, and salt and blend untíl very smooth. Pour over the crust (ít’s ok íf ít’s stíll warm) and bake for 30 mínutes, or untíl ít ís bubblíng and browníng around the edges. ít won’t look at all set, but ít wíll set up as ít cools. Place on a coolíng rack. After about 10 mínutes, run a small, sharp knífe around the edges. Cool completely, then chíll untíl cold. When completely chílled, carefully remove the parchment and, usíng a spatula, transfer to a small bakíng sheet (you can do thís just before addíng the toppíng). 

For the meríngue

  1. A few hours before servíng, make the toppíng. Combíne the egg whítes, sugar, vanílla, and salt ín the metal bowl of a stand míxer and set over a pan of símmeríng water. Keep the míxture movíng, usíng a whísk or the whísk attachment, untíl the sugar ís completely melted and ít’s hot to the touch (or 160F). Transfer to a stand míxer and beat on hígh speed untíl glossy and very stíff, 2 to 3 mínutes. Transfer to the top of the lemon bars, smooth out, and use a large servíng fork to create a pattern ín the meríngue. 
Source: http://www.thevanillabeanblog.com/2020/04/whole-meyer-lemon-meringue-bars.html

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