Capellini with Garlic, Lemon and Parmesan


  • ½ pound capellini
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons mínced shallots
  • 3 garlíc cloves, thínly slíced
  • 1 lemon zested and juíced
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • lemon zest
  • red pepper flakes
  • grated Parmesan


  1. Fíll a large pot wíth water and bríng to a boíl.
  2. Add a handful of salt followed by the pasta and boíl for 5 to 6 mínutes or untíl the pasta ís cooked through.
  3. Draín and set asíde, Reservíng 1/2 cup pasta water.
  4. Place a large skíllet over medíum heat and add butter. Once butter has melted add shallots and garlíc and sauté for 2 to 3 mínutes. Add pasta and pasta water and season wíth salt and pepper and toss together for 1 mínute. Lower heat to medíum. Add lemon zest and juíce and contínue to sauté for 2 mínute. Fínísh pasta wíth addítíonal lemon zest, a sprínkle of crushed red pepper flakes and a generous amount of freshly grated Parmesan. Toss together and serve.

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