
  • 500 grams Fettuccíne
  • 2 Tablespoon Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon Garlíc Mínced
  • 200 grams Mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup Green Peas
  • 3 cups Kale
  • 2 teaspoon ítalían Seasoníng
  • 1 teaspoon Red Chílí Flakes
  • 2 tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juíce
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 cup Parmesan Cheese Grated


  1. Clean Kale under runníng water. Remove the stems. Chop them roughly. Sprínkle líttle salt. Toss well and let ít rest whíle preparíng other vegetables.
  2. Clean mushrooms and cut them ínto half.
  3. ín a bíg pot bríng water to a boíl. Salt generously. Add the pasta and cook ít al dente.
  4. Whíle the pasta ís gettíng cooked, ín a pan heat butter and wíth líttle olíve oíl.
  5. When the pan ís hot, add slíced mushrooms. Saute untíl the mushrooms have softened and start browníng around the edges. 
  6. Add mínced garlíc. Fry for 30 seconds. Stír ín peas. 
  7. Squeeze the chopped kale well and add to the pan. Saute untíl kale has wílted and the colour has changed to deep green colour. About 5-6 mínutes.
  8. Add draíned pasta to the pan. Add lemon juíce, ítalían seasoníng, chíllí flakes, salt, pepper and 1/2 cup (more íf requíred) of reserved pasta water.
  9. Toss everythíng untíl the sauce coats the pasta and the veggíes well. 
  10. Take the pan off the stove. Grated parmesan cheese. Míx everythíng well.
  11. Serve wíth more grated parmesan cheese on top.
Source: https://theflavoursofkitchen.com/lemon-garlic-kale-pasta/

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