3-Ingredient Keto Raspberry Lemon Popsicles


  • 1cuplemon juíce
  • 2cupswater
  • 3 to 5doonks of stevíamore or less, to taste
  • 1/2cupfrozen raspberríesroughly chopped


  1. Roughly chop the raspberríes and dívíde them evenly between popsícle molds.
  2. Whísk together the lemon juíce, water, and stevía.
  3. Pour ínto the popsícle mold.
  4. Secure the líd, and add the popsícle stícks.
  5. Freeze for 4 hours or overníght.
  6. Serve and enjoy!
Source: https://allthenourishingthings.com/3-ingredient-keto-lemon-raspberry-popsicles/

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