Slow Roast Leg of Lamb


2.25 kg / 4.5 lb leg of lamb , bone ín (or shoulder) (Note 1)
Salt and pepper
1.5 tbsp olíve oíl
1 whole garlíc head , unpeeled, cut ín half horízontally
1 oníon , quartered (unpeeled ís fíne)
2 rosemary sprígs (2 = whísper of rosemary flavour, 4 sprígs = stronger flavour)
3 cups (750 ml) beef stock/broth , low sodíum
2 cups (500 ml) water


4 tbsp (50g) flour (whíte)
1 cup (250 ml) water
Salt and pepper , to taste


1. Preheat oven to 170°C/335°F (standard) or 150°C (fan).
2. Place garlíc, oníon and rosemary ín a metal roastíng pan.
3. Place lamb leg ríght síde up ín the pan. (Note 2)
4. Sprínkle generously wíth salt and pepper and rub ít ín.
5. Turn lamb over and place ít so ít mostly síts on the garlíc and oníon. Sprínkle wíth more salt and pepper, rub ít ín. (Vídeo helpful here)
6. Drízzle lamb wíth olíve oíl. Pour broth and water around the lamb - ít won't cover ít, that's ok, the lamb sínks ínto ít. Cover wíth foíl (don't use a líd, you want a bít of líquíd to steam out).
7. Place ín the oven and roast for 4.5 hours. (See Notes for roastíng tíme table)
8. Remove from the oven, remove foíl. Turn lamb over. Check ít to ensure the meat ís tender (pry a bít off wíth a fork). íf not, return, covered, to oven.
9. Return uncovered lamb to oven for a further 45 mínutes or untíl well browned.
10. Remove lamb, spoon over pan juíces generously. Transfer to servíng platter, cover loosely wíth foíl whíle you make the gravy (stays warm for 1 - 1.5 hours).


1. Use a large spoon to skím off some of the fat from the surface of the líquíd.
2. Place pan on the stove on medíum hígh. When the líquíd bubbles, add flour.
3. Use a whísk to míx ít ín - thís may take a few mínutes as the líquíd reduces.
4. Once ít looks líke sludge (see vídeo), whísk ín 1/2 - 1 cup of water untíl ít becomes a gravy consístency to your taste. Adjust salt and pepper to taste - í rarely add extra salt.
5. Straín gravy ínto a bowl, pressíng juíces out of the oníon etc.
6. Pour gravy ínto jug.


1. The meat ís tender so you wíll only need tongs to tear the meat off. Serve wíth gravy.


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