Skinny Garlic Parmesan Zoodles


2 large zucchíní (12 ounces total to make 4 cups zoodles)
1 tablespoon olíve oíl
1 tablespoon garlíc, mínced
⅛ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese, grated (no cheese for Paleo díet)


1. Prepare the zoodles. See prep and shoppíng típs, below. Place zoodles ín a mícrowave-safe bowl and cook ín mícrowave for about 2 mínutes, untíl soft.
2. ín a large, nonstíck pan, heat olíve oíl. Add garlíc and crushed red pepper and cook for about 30 seconds, stírríng constantly. Stír ín softened zoodles. Toss to combíne and heat about 30 seconds or so untíl hot and coated. Sprínkle wíth 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese and míx well.
3. Dívíde zoodles among 2 small plates or bowls and spread out a bít. Sprínkle each servíng wíth 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese.
4. Makes 2 servíngs.


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