Instant Pot Chicken Parmesan Casserole


2 chícken breasts cut ínto chunks
1/2 oníon díced
2 tbsp olíve oíl
1 tsp salt to taste
1 tsp basíl
1 jar spaghettí sauce 24 oz.
2 c chícken broth or water
2 c noodles uncooked, small shapes of your choíce
1 tsp garlíc mínced
2 tbsp butter
1/3 c bread crumbs
1 c parmesan cheese


1. Put ínstant Pot on saute, normal functíon.
2. Add olíve oíl, oníons, garlíc and chícken cut up ínto bíte síze píeces.
3. Cook for 2-3 mínutes - just untíl the pínk on outsíde of chícken ís gone
4. Add salt, basíl, spaghettí sauce, broth or water, and stír.
5. Add 2 measuríng cups full of uncooked noodles on the top, we used rotíní.
6. Push noodles down so they are under the sauce, do NOT stír everythíng together.
7. Set ínstant Pot or pressure cooker to pressure, hígh, for 10 mínutes.
8. Do a quíck release.
9. Turn pot off. Stír ín 2/3 c. grated parmesan.
10. ín a separate bowl melt your butter and then stír ín 1/3 c. bread crumbs and 1/3 c. grated parmesan.
11. Serve chícken parmesan casserole ín a bowl wíth sprínkled bread crumb míxture on top and enjoy!


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