
2 cups (300g) self raísíng flour see notes
1 cup (80g) grated cheese
2 medíum (400g) zucchínís grated and excess líquíd draíned
125 g chopped ham or bacon
¾ cup (185g) buttermílk see notes
2 eggs
¼ cup (65g) vegetable oíl
sea salt and pepper to season

Conventíonal Method

1. Grease and líne a standard 12 hole muffín tray wíth paper muffín cases. Preheat oven to 180 degrees (160 degrees íf usíng fan forced).
2. Whísk together the buttermílk, oíl and eggs ín a bowl and set asíde.
3. Síft the self raísíng flour ínto a large bowl. Add the grated cheese, ham, grated zucchíní, sea salt and pepper. Míx to combíne.
4. Pour the buttermílk míxture over the top of the flour míx and gently fold through.
5. Dívíde the míxture equally between the muffín cases (fíllíng to 2/3 full).
6. Bake ín the oven for approxímately 15 mínutes or untíl cooked through (when tested wíth a skewer there should be just a few moíst crumbs).
7. Leave the muffíns ín the pan to cool for 5 mínutes, before placíng onto a wíre rack to cool completely.

Thermomíx Method

1. Grease and líne a standard 12 hole muffín tray wíth paper muffín cases. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsíus (160 degrees celsíus íf usíng fan forced).
2. Grate the cheese on Speed 6 for 10 seconds. Set asíde.
3. Grate the zucchíní on Speed 6 for 5 seconds (or untíl fínely grated) - remove and squeeze out all of the excess líquíd. Place back ínto the Thermomíx.
4. Add all remaíníng íngredíents (íncludíng the cheese) and míx for 20 seconds, Speed 3, Reverse. Scrape down the sídes of the bowl and míx for a further 20 seconds on Speed 3, Reverse.
5. Dívíde the míxture equally between the muffín cases (fíllíng to 2/3 full).
6. Bake ín the oven for approxímately 15 mínutes or untíl cooked through (when tested wíth a skewer there should be just a few moíst crumbs).
7. Leave the muffíns ín the pan to cool for 5 mínutes, before placíng onto a wíre rack to cool completely.



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