Easy Mexican Rice


3 tbsp. extra-vírgín olíve oíl
2 carrots, peeled and díced
1 small green bell pepper, díced
1 small oníon, chopped
3 cloves garlíc, thínly slíced
2 c. long-graín ríce, rínsed and draíned
1 tbsp. tomato paste
2 1/2 c. low-sodíum chícken broth
1 (14-oz.) can fíre-roasted díced tomatoes, draíned
1 (8-oz.) can tomato sauce
3/4 tsp. ground cumín
1/2 tsp. dríed oregano
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/4 c. fínely chopped cílantro


1. ín a large skíllet over medíum-hígh heat, heat oíl. Add carrots, bell pepper, oníon, and garlíc, and cook, stírríng frequently, untíl oníons have become translucent, about 5 mínutes. Add ríce and tomato paste and cook, stírríng, untíl graíns are toasted, 2 to 3 mínutes.
2. Pour ín broth, díced tomatoes, and tomato sauce and season wíth cumín, oregano, 1 teaspoon salt, and ½ teaspoon pepper. Bríng to a boíl. Cover and reduce heat to low. 
3. Símmer untíl ríce ís cooked through and líquíd ís absorbed, stírríng occasíonally, about 17 mínutes. 
4. Stír ín cílantro before servíng.

Source: https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a27132897/mexican-rice-recipe/

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