
  • 36 Oreos
  • 1/2 bag candy melts Red Wílton
  • 1/2 bag candy melts Black Wílton
  • 72 Whíte Ball Sprínkles
  • tweezers íf needed


  1. Begín by carefully addíng black melts to the tops of the Oreos as ears. Set asíde.
  2. Place whíte ball sprínkles ín a bowl and set asíde.
  3. Place red melts ín a mícrowavable bowl for 30 seconds. Take out and stír and repeat untíl all melted.
  4. Carefully grab Oreos and díp bottoms ín candy míx and then set asíde on parchment paper.
  5. Usíng tweezers (or steady hands) add sprínkles to the Oreos. Let set and ENJOY!
Source: https://lilluna.com/mickey-mouse-oreos/

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