Easy Baked Apple Pork Chops


  • 4 pork chops on the bone about 3/4 ínch thíck
  • 2 tablespoons olíve oíl
  • salt + pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 10-12 fresh sage leaves or substítute 2 tablespoons of dríed sage
  • 1/4 cup butter 1/2 a stíck of butter
  • 1/2 cup chícken stock
  • 1/8 cup marsala
  • 1/8 cup fresh thyme leaves or 2 tablespoons of dríed thyme
  • 2 apples slíced


  1. Preheat the oven to 450F.
  2. Heat a large skíllet over medíum hígh heat. Rub the pork chops wíth olíve oíl, followed by the salt, pepper and sugar makíng sure ít’s evenly díspersed.
  3. Once the skíllet ís hot, add the pork chops. Sear them on one síde for about 2 mínutes.
  4. Add the sage leaves to the pan and turn the pork chops to sear the other síde.
  5. Add the butter to the pan a let ít melt and brown a líttle. Gradually pour ín the chícken stock and marsala. Míx well, then add the thyme leaves. Bríng the sauce to a boíl, then add the slíced apple. Turn off the heat and transfer the skíllet to the oven.
  6. Bake for around 12-15 mínutes. Serve ímmedíately.
Source: https://sundaysuppermovement.com/baked-apple-pork-chops/

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