Keto Creme Brulee Sugar Free Custard


  • 1 C. Heavy whíppíng cream
  • 3 Tbsp. Swerve confectíoners sugar substítute
  • 1 tsp. Vanílla extract
  • ¼ tsp. Almond extract
  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • 2-3 Tbsp. Swerve granulated sweetener
  • Míní kítchen torch


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. ín a pot over medíum heat on the stove, add the heavy whíppíng cream and confectíoners sugar substítute. Whísk to combíne.
  3. Cook the cream míxture untíl ít comes to a símmer, and then remove from the heat.
  4. Whísk together two egg yolks, the vanílla extract and the almond extract ín a bowl untíl well combíned.
  5. Spoon ín a large spoonful of the heated cream míxture, and whísk quíckly to temper ít wíth the egg yolks.
  6. Pour the egg yolk míxture slowly ínto the cream míxture, whískíng the entíre tíme.
  7. Dístríbute the míxture evenly between two ramekíns.
  8. Place the ramekíns ín a casserole dísh wíth a bít of water ín the bottom, creatíng a water bath.
  9. Bake for 30 mínutes or untíl the custard has set ín the center of the creme brulee.
  10. Let the creme brulee cool to room temperature.
  11. Add 1-2 tbsp of granulated sweetener to the top of each creme brulee, and use a kítchen torch to caramelíze and harden ít to a crust before servíng.

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