Keto Berry Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

Cake íngredíents:

2 tbsp butter softened
2 oz cream cheese softened
1/3 cup Trím Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet or my sweetener, fínely ground
4 eggs
1 tsp almond extract
4 oz half and half (or cream)
1 cup almond flour
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp bakíng powder
1/4 tsp salt


2 cups frozen míxed berríes (blueberríes, raspberríes, blackberríes)
8 oz cream cheese softened
1/2 cup Trím Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet or my sweetener, fínely ground
4 tbsp heavy cream


1. Preheat oven to 350. Grease a square 8×8 pyrex wíth butter or cookíng spray. ín a bowl wíth an electríc míxer combíne all the batter íngredíents. Míx thoroughly. Pour ínto the bakíng dísh and spread evenly.
2. Bake at 350 for 40 mín untíl golden. Cool completely.
3. Meanwhíle, thaw the berríes by leavíng them at room temperature or defrostíng ín the mícrowave. When the cake ít cooled poke holes ín ít wíth a skewer or fork. Spoon the berríes on top and drízzle the juíce from the thawed berríes over top.
4. Usíng an electríc míxer míx the cream cheese untíl softened. Add the sweetener and míx untíl smooth. Add the heavy cream and beat untíl fluffy.


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